Spring has sprung!
Our hearts rejoice at the sight of a daffodil. They never fail to give us light at the end of our wintery tunnels. Spring is finally here, it's time to shake off the winter blues and get ready for some sunshine! With warmer weather on the horizon in Poole and Bournemouth, now is the perfect time to start spring cleaning and getting your home ready for a fresh new season. From decluttering to deep cleaning, there are plenty of ways we can prepare our houses for spring. Here are 5 simple tips to get your home looking spiffing and you ready to soak up that oh so vital vitamin D.
The weather is getting warmer and the days longer. That means we all have a skip in our step and spring cleaning is on the menu. If you're not sure where to start, don't worry. We've got you covered with our top tips for getting your house spring-ready.
1. Start with a deep clean
Think highs and lows. Pull your furniture out and clean underneath. Look up for cobwebs and dust on light fittings. This is a great time to deep clean your drains - use the bicarbonate of soda and vinegar trick - works like a charm. Hoover your sofas and chairs, you might even find that crisp you misplaced or a fiver if you're lucky! Give the tops of your kitchen units a scrub - this is usually a greasy dusty mess but the transformation is a satisfying one. This is also a good time to clean your extractor fans, ovens and defrost the fridge freezer. Personally I hate cleaning ovens - if you're like me get Ovenu in to give yours some TLC.
While you're deep cleaning take the opportunity to clean out your fridge and pantry. We keep jars of pesto and five spice way too long (Yes I've discovered some from pre millennium!) Check all the expiration dates and remove any food that has expired. Then with your fridge cleared out, organise it so that you can clearly see everything. This will help you eat healthier but reduce waste. See expert tips on how to organise your fridge here.
2. Clutter free
One of the best and most cathartic ways to get your house ready for spring is to declutter. If you're thinking "Where do I start?" then read this or get in touch with us. We specialise in decluttering and organising homes in the Bournemouth and Poole area. Sometimes it can be overwhelming. We guide you through the decluttering process and will remove any unwanted items to be donated or recycled. Our firm belief is removing clutter creates space in our homes and heads leaving more time for what’s important. You’ll feel lighter and ready to conquer the spring clean!
Check out our portfolio for our recent projects or scroll through our instagram to see some transformations.
For some more inspiration try these blogs:
If you were wondering what to do with your items then here are a few options for Poole and Bournemouth area:
Once you’ve decluttered you can organise what remains. This will make your everyday routines simpler, reducing stress and saving time. If you don’t have the time or desire then get in touch.
3. Freshen up Your Space
When the warmer weather starts to roll in, it's time to start thinking about freshening up your space. Here are a few ways to get your house spring-ready:
Let in some fresh air. Open those windows to let the bird song in and the staleness out.
Treat yourself to some tulips. It's a gift that keeps giving, bringing you a dash of springtime everyday.
Touch up. In high traffic areas a small touch up of the paint can make a huge difference in brightening up the room. Top tip: Try cleaning your walls with good old fashioned cream cleaner first as most scuffs and scrapes come out with some elbow grease. If not get rollin'.
4.Plant summer bulbs
Spring is the time to get those dahlias, delphiniums and daisies in. The bees will be eternally grateful as will you when you are soaking up the sun surrounded by glorious flowers. You'll be dead heading which results in wonderful colourful clusters you can display inside.
5.Update Your Outdoor Space
Over winter the outdoors appears sad. This is when you need to cheer it up with a thorough exterior clean. As the weather gets warmer, you may be spending more time outdoors.
Here are some ways to spruce up your outdoor space and make it more inviting:
Have the windows cleaned
Gutters emptied
Fascia and soffits washed
Pressure wash your patio or decking
Have any velux, skylight or conservatory roof cleaned
Our friends at Amalgam can provide all these services. They specialise in all exterior cleaning in Poole or Bournemouth and are lovely chaps. Not only does it look fresh but also keeps it all in good condition. Get in touch with them here or check out their instagram.
Here at Organised Home Company we love a spring clean and organise. We'd love to hear how you get on with yours.